[ Multi Agent and Autonomous Systems Architectures ]

[ Artificial Intelligence Planning and Scheduling ]

[ Network Centric Interactive Systems ]

[ Solving Real-time, Parallel and Distributed Problems ]

[ Intelligent Mobile Ad Hoc Networking I-MANET ]
The exposed research areas include various fields of artificial intelligence, such as agent-based and autonomous systems, planning and scheduling, search and machine learning.
This webpage is organised according to main application domains, of interest for various industries (space, aeronautic, security ...).
Recent invited presentation
Planning and Safety Challenges in Autonomous Driving Systems
AAAI Fall Symposium, Arlington, 2018
Session Integrating Planning, Diagnosis and Causal Reasoning,
Safety Challenges in AI for Autonomous Driving Systems
CESA, December, Versailles, 2018
Planning and Scheduling for Autonomous Systems and mobile Robotics
ROBIA, Nancy, 2018
Workshop Organisations
Program Committee for 2017 and 2018 editions of the International
Scheduling and Planning Conference, ICAPS Application Track
Program Committee for several editions of the International
Scheduling and Planning Applications woRKshop (SPARK)
held in conjunction with
Program Committee for 2014, 2015, 2016 editions of the International
Constraint Satisfaction Techniques for Planning and Scheduling (COPLAS) held in conjunction with AAAI/ICAPS
Program Committee for the International
AAAI / Annual Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI) - 2009
Organiser of the International Workshop on
Tactical Mobile Ad Hoc Networking
held in conjunction with
ACM / MobiHoc'11
Organiser of the International Workshop on
Tactical Mobile Ad Hoc Networking
held in conjunction with
ACM / MobiHoc'11
Organiser of the International Workshop on
Planning under Uncertainty and Execution Control
for Autonomous Systems
held in conjunction with
Organiser of the International Workshop on
Planning under Uncertainty for Autonomous Systems
held in conjunction with
Major International Robotic and AI Roadmapping
Roadmapping methodology and contributions for the Strategic Research Agenda of the EUropean RObotic Platform , now known as EUnited. The Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) is also a basis for European ICT Artificial Intelligence and Robotics innovative and research projects.
Project reviewer for several national and international research and technology related organisations.
Journal Guest Editorial
Yi Shang, Hongchi Shi, Ying Zhang and Christophe Guettier.
Special Issue: Distributed Systems of Sensors and Actuators,
March 2009, Volume 9, Issue 3 Pages 283–439, Wiley
Multi Agent and Autonomous Systems Architectures

UAVs, UUVs, UGVs, planetary rovers and space probes operate with limited human intervention in changing and partially known environment. These autonomous systems navigate and manage internal behavior while responding to mission updates, threats, failures and situation awareness. They can also sense, decide and act in a collaborative way. Therefore, their operational performances strongly depend on the ability of the system to anticipate, adapt and react. In particular, different form of on-line planning and scheduling appear to be critical for the success of challenging missions. Various theoretical and practical aspects of planning and scheduling are nowadays resolved with many symbolic, logic and numerical techniques, but a broad range of problems are still open to operate autonomous systems in an intelligent and integrated way. |
Philippe Morignot and Christophe Guettier
Discrete Uncertainty Representation for CSP-based Planning and Scheduling. Application to Control-Command Systems.
in the Proceedings of the Scheduling and Planning Applications woRKshop (SPARK), AAAI-ICAPS Delft, the Netherlands, 2018 (pdf)
Christophe Guettier and Francois Lucas
A constraint-based approach for planning unmanned aerial vehicle activities
The Knowledge Engineering Review 31 (5), pp. 486-497 2015.
C. Guettier, B. Bradai, F. Hochart, P. Resende, J. Yelloz and G. Alexandre
Standardization of Generic Architecture for Autonomous Driving: A Reality Check
Energy Consumption and Autonomous Driving / Lecture Notes in Mobility, Springer
Proceedings of the 3rd CESA Automotive Electronics Congress Paris, 2014
Francois Lucas and Christophe Guettier
Hybrid solving technique for vehicle planning with communication constraints
In the Proceedings of the IEEE-MILCOM Florida, 2012
F. Lucas, C. Guettier, P. Siarry, A.-M. Milcent and A. de la Fortelle
Constrained Navigation with Mandatory Waypoints in Uncertain Environment
International Journal of Information Sciences and Computer Engineering, 2010 (pdf).
Francois Lucas and Christophe Guettier
Automatic Vehicle Navigation with Bandwidth Constraints
In Proceedings of MILCOM 2010 San Jose, USA, 2010 (pdf).
C. Guettier, F. Lucas and P. Siarry.
Hybridisation of Constraint Solving with an Ant Colony Algorithm for Vehicle On-Line Path Planning.
In Proceedings of ICAPS 4th Workshop on Planning and Plan Execution for Real-World Systems Thessaloniki, Greece, 2009.
Neil Yorke Smith and Christophe Guettier.
Towards Automatic Robust Planning for the Discrete Commanding of Aerospace Equipment.
In the proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium of Intelligent Control. Houston, Texas, October 2003 (pdf).
C. Guettier, B. Patin and J.-F. Tilman.
Validation of Autonomous Concepts using the ATHENA Environment.
In Proceedings of the International European Space Agency Workshop on On-Board Autonomy. Noordwijk, The Netherlands, October 2001 (pdf).
J.-C. Poncet, C. Guettier, G. Le Lann and Eric Bornschlegl.
Constraint-based Layered Planning and Distributed Control for an Autonomous Spacecraft Formation Flying.
In the Proceedings of the International European Space Agency Workshop on On-Board Autonomy. Noordwijk, The Netherlands, October 2001 (pdf).
Christophe Guettier and Jean-Clair Poncet.
Multi-Levels Planning for Spacecraft Autonomy.
In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation. Montreal, Canada,
June 2001 (pdf).
L.S. Crawford, M. P.J. Fromherz, C. Guettier and Yi Shang.
A Framework for On-line Adaptive Control of Problem Solving.
In the CP'01 Workshop on On-line Combinatorial Problem Solving and Constraint Programming. Cyprus, Dec. 2001 (pdf).
Bertrand Allo, Christophe Guettier and Nelly Lecubin.
A Demonstration of Dedicated Constraint-Based Planning within Agent-based Architectures for Autonomous Aircraft.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control'01. Mexico, September 2001 (pdf).
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Artificial Intelligence Planning and Scheduling

Planning is a critical phase in preparing challenging missions, in particular for first responders in disaster relief, space and defence operations. Mission constraints deeply impacts both plan elaboration, resource allocation and task scheduling processes performed by the different entities. A serie of constraint-based methods for AI planning and scheduling techniques is presented. The proposed approach can tackle complex model-based constraint formulations, including coordinations and synchronisations. The work explore different hybrid search techniques, based on exact methods, reinforced with metaheuristics and machine learning approaches, opening new ways to combine numerical and symbolic computation.
Another approach is to prepare critical missions using serious gaming, which also makes use of AI planning and scheduling techniques.
K. Osanlou, C. Guettier, A. Bursuc, T. Cazenave and E. Jacopin.
Constrained shortest path search with graph convolutional neural networks
AAAI - ICML / IJCAI / AAMAS 2018 Workshop on Planning and Learning (PAL-18) Stockholm, Sweden 2018 (pdf).
A. Menif, C. Guettier, E. Jacopin and T. Cazenave
Applying Anytime Heuristic Search to Cost-Optimal HTN Planning
AAAI-IJCAI Workshop on Computer Games, 151-171 Melbourne, Australia 2017
C. Guettier, W. Lamal, I. Mayk and J. Yelloz
Design and Experiment of a Collaborative Planning Service for NetCentric International Brigade Command.
In the Proceedings of AAAI-Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Austin, Texas, 2015
Christophe Guettier and Francois Lucas
A Constraint-based Approach for Planning UAV Activities
in the Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Constraint Satisfaction Techniques for Planning and Scheduling Problems (COPLAS) AAAI-ICAPS 2014
Portsmouth, USA, July 2014 (pdf) .
Alexandre Menif, Christophe Guettier and Tristan Cazenave
Planning and execution control architecture for infantry serious gaming
in the Proceedings of Workshop Planning in Games, AAAI-ICAPS Rome 2013.
Christophe Guettier.
Automated Planning and Scheduling Service for Network based Operations.
In the Proceedings of the IEEE-MILCOM Conference. San Diego, USA, November 2008.
Christophe Guettier.
Solving Planning and Scheduling Problems in Network based Operations.
in the Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Principle and Practice of Constraint Programming, CP'2007 Providence, RI, USA, 2007 (pdf).
Christophe Guettier and Neil Yorke-Smith.
Enhancing the anytime behaviour of mixed csp-based planning
In the Proceedings of AAAI-ICAPS Workshop on Planning under Uncertainty for Autonomous Systems Monterey, CA, USA, 2015.
Neil Yorke Smith and Christophe Guettier.
Anytime Behaviour of Mixed CSP Solving.
In the proceedings of CP International Workshop Changes'04 on Constraint Solving under Change and Uncertainty Toronto, Canada 2004 Changes'04 International Workshop on Constraint Solving Under Change and Uncertainty
Toronto, Canada, September 2004 (pdf).
C. Guettier, B. Allo, V. Legendre, J.-C. Poncet and N. Strady-Lecubin.
Constraint model-based planning and scheduling with multiple resources and complex collaboration schema.
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on AI Planning and Scheduling (AAAI-AIPS) Toulouse, France, April 2002
Eric Bornschlegl, Christophe Guettier and Jean-Clair Poncet.
Automatic Planning for Autonomous Spacecraft Constellations.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International NASA Workshop on Planning and Scheduling for Space. San Francisco, California, March 2000
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Network Centric Interactive Systems

Due to the massive introduction of networking digital systems and devices, information flows are constantly expanding. Requirements capture, quality and guarantee of services, and systems design are difficult to formalise at a same pace.
Moreover, it is hard to keep human in the loop and new types of interactions need to be explored.
Concept Development and Experimentation (CD&E) lifecycle (such as Phoenix in the defense area) explores new network centric
capabilities using rapid system prototyping.
F. Taralle, A. Paljic, S. Manitsaris J. Grenier and C. Guettier
A Consensual and Non-ambiguous Set of Gestures to Interact with UAV in Infantrymen.
In the Proceedings of the ACM-CHI 2015 (Human Factors in Computing Systems) Seoul, Korea, 2015 (pdf).
F. Taralle, A. Paljic, S. Manitsaris J. Grenier and C Guettier
Is Symbolic Gestural Interaction Better for the Visual Attention?
Procedia Manufacturing Volume 3, 2015, Pages 1060-1065 (Elsevier Journal Version),
6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2015) Las Vegas, July 2015.
E. Baccelli, G. Bartl, A. Danilkina, V. Ebner, F. Gendry, C. Guettier, O. Hahm, U. Kriegel, G. Hege, M. Palkow, H. Pertersen, TC Schmidt, A. Voisard, M. Wählisch and H. Ziegler
Area & Perimeter Surveillance in SAFEST using Sensors and the Internet of Things
8ème Workshop Interdisciplinaire sur la Securite Globale Paris, 2014 (pdf).
C Guettier, J Yelloz, O Cherrier, I Mayk and W Lamal
Interoperable joint planning and execution web service with TITAN
IEEE-MILCOM 2011, pp. 2025-2030 Baltimore, USA, November 2011
G Sella, O Cherrier, C Guettier, J Yelloz
Development and experimentation of collaborative Red Force Tracking in service oriented architecture for tactical networking systems
IEEE-MILCOM 2011, pp. pp. 1529-1534 Baltimore, USA, November 2011
Christophe Guettier, Patrick Sechaud, Jacques Yelloz, Geraud Allard, Ingrid Lefebvre, Pierre Peteuil, Patrick Ponthoreau, Fabien Cuisinier and Jerome Martinet.
Improving tactical capabilities with netcentric systems: the Phoenix 08 experimentation.
In the Proceedings of the IEEE-MILCOM 2009 Conference. Boston, USA, November 2009.
LCL Arnaud Desbois, Geraud Allard, Christophe Guettier, Jacques Yelloz and Vincent Huitric.
Demonstrating new tactical capabilities with heterogeneous network-enabled systems: the Phoenix 2007 experimentation
In the Proceedings of the IEEE-MILCOM 2008 Conference. San Diego, USA, November 2008.
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Solving Real-time, Parallel and Distributed Problems

In modern architectures, the increasing number of processing
units associated to various levels of resources (memory levels, bus)
have made system design both difficult and costly. Mapping statically
the set of tasks onto a multi-processor system is one of the most
crucial issues, since the designer must guarantee system both
feasibility and performances. These papers show how to use constraint
solving and optimisation techniques to efficiently map high
performance and real-time applications on parallel and distributed
architectures. Recently GPU architectures has provided a wide access to parallel computation.
Optimising compilers, profilers, virtual machines and softare development methodologies will have to be smarter,
and will use more and more artificial intelligence techniques.
Florian Gouin, Corinne Ancourt and Christophe Guettier.
An up to date Mapping Methodology for GPUs.
20th Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computing (CPC 2018), Dublin, Ireland, April 2018 (pdf).
Florian Gouin, Corinne Ancourt and Christophe Guettier.
Threewise: a local variance algorithm for GPU.
IEEE - Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), Paris, France 2016.
Christophe Guettier and Jean-Francois Hermant.
Static Mapping of Hard Real-Time Applications onto Multi-Processor Architectures using Constraint Logic Progamming.
In the Proceedings of ICAPS Workshop on Constraint Programming for Planning and Scheduling, Monterey, CA, USA, June 2005 (pdf).
Markus P.J. Fromherz, Lara S. Crawford, Christophe Guettier and Yi Shang.
Distributed Adaptive Constrained optimization for Smart Matter Systems.
Published in AAAI Spring Symposium on Intelligent Embedded and Distributed Systems. March 2003 (pdf).
Peter H. Feiler, Bruce Lewis, Steve Vestal and Christophe Guettier.
Improving Predictability in Real-Time Avionics and Space Systems.
In the Proceedings of Data Systems in Aerospace. Nice, France, June 2001 (pdf).
Christophe Guettier.
Constraint Based Modeling for Optimizing Real-Time System Design.
In the Proceedings of the Conference on Life Cycle Software Engineering Technology for Modern Avionics and Smart Weapon Systems. Redstone US Army Arsenal, Alabama, August 2000 (pdf).
Christophe Guettier and Jean-Francois Hermant.
A Constraint-Based Model for High-Performance Real-Time Computing.
In the Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed and Parallel Systems. Fort Lauderdale, Florida, September 1999 (pdf).
Christophe Guettier.
Optimisation globale et placement d'applications de traitement du signal sur architectures paralleles utilisant la programmation par contraintes (Global optimisation and DSP placement onto parallel architectures using Constraint Logic Programming).
These, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Paris and Thomson-CSF/Corporate Research Lab. Octobre 1997.
Corinne Ancourt, Denis Barthou, Christophe Guettier, Francois Irigoin, Bertrand Jeannet, Jean Jourdan and Juliette Mattioli.
Automatic Data Mapping of Signal Processing Applications.
In the Proceedings of the Application Specific Architectures and Processors Conference. Zurich, Switzerland, August 1997 (pdf).
Jean Jourdan, Remi Lissajoux and Christophe Guettier.
Global Optimization of Data Mapping and Task Scheduling on Parallel Machines Using Concurrent Model-based Programming.
In the Proceedings of the High Performance Computing Symposium' 95. Montreal, Canada, June 1995.
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Intelligent Mobile Ad Hoc Networking I-MANET

In ad hoc networking, an efficient management needs to take in
account various constraints: quality of services, topology,
traffics, reliability. This management becomes more difficult when
collaborative services must be supported (sensor analysis, decision
making, distributed agreement, data analysis). The research approach
combines constraint solving techniques with optimised link state
protocols to provide new service admission schemes. |
Christophe Guettier, Philippe Jacquet, Laurent Viennot and Jacques Yelloz. Automatic Optimisation of Reliable Collaborative Services in OLSR Mobile Ad Hoc Networks In the Proceedings of IEEE-MILCOM 2007, Orlando, USA, November 2007.
Christophe Guettier, Gerard Le Lann and Jean-Francois Hermant. Ad Hoc Sensor Networks, Constraint Programming and Distributed Agreement Invited paper, in the proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Information Technology, Research and Education. New Jersey, USA, August 2003.
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