François Irigoin

Fields of interest:
- Compilation of scientific and multimedia signal processing programs for multicore, heterogeneous MPSoC, FPGA-based vector processors, GPGPU accelerator,...
- Compilation of parallel languages, analyses and transformations for parallel languages
- Automatic analysis of scientific and signal processing programs: preconditions and
transformers, total preconditions, array regions,...
- Automatic restructuring of scientific and signal processing programs: memory locality,
tiling, expression evaluation, inlining, outlining...
- Code synthesis for real-time signal processing, energy minimization
- Code instrumentation and optimized code instrumentation for standard
conformance (array-bound checking, aliasing, used-before-set variables...) and debugging
- Code optimization and code parallelization (by hand)
- Automatic program proof, automatic invariant detection
- Distributed and parallel system design, (large scale) software architecture
- Hardware/Software tradeoffs: code optimization vs specific circuits, co-design
Previous fields of interest:
- Automatic parallelization of scientific programs: dependence tests and dependence abstractions
- Computer architecture: from RISC to SuperScalar to VLIW
- Parallel computer architecture
PhD Students:
Past PhD Students:
Current projects: PSPEAR and TIMC
Past projects: Tera@ops (in French). FREIA and OpenGPU
Software workbench: PIPS
Bibliography: papers
Electronic address: Francois dot Irigoin at
Address: MINES ParisTech/CRI, 35 rue Saint-Honoré, 77305 FONTAINEBLEAU, France
Tél: +33 (1) 64 69 48 48
Fax: +33 (1) 64 69 48 47
See also the MINES ParisTech directory
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