The software can be installed and used on a single machine (for the owner of the license).
All programming languages handled by UNIVERSAL REPORT (there are many!)
The basic features provided by the tool and those necessary for standard use.
Routines include functions, procedures, methods, macros, ..., all units that contain active programming statements. In case there is a license limitation, UNIVERSAL REPORT will ignore the remaining routines.
Windows Forms are the base on which we build, develop all our user interface using appropriate frameworks like Visual Basic, C++ Builder, Delphi, .... They come with a rich set of classes that can be extended and enhanced by user modules. Depending on your license, UNIVERSAL REPORT will analyse and document part/all of them (screenshots and decomposition).
UNIVERSAL REPORT is regularly updated with new features including those requested or suggested by users. At the same time, unexpected behaviors (if any) reported by users are examined and fixed. Owners of a valid license can benefit from these updates up to a major release.
We promptly react to all requests from our users, regardless of the type of the license. Any technical issue is generally fixed within days (contact:
UDIFF is a windows files comparison and differencing tool. It produces an attractive and informative html output. The tool is provided as an independent module, and is also used internally by UNIVERSAL REPORT to analyse and report changes between different versions of the same user program.
UNIVERSAL REPORT can document source code remotely (from a distant location). The corresponding files will be dowloaded automatically via ftp or http and locally processed. The user can also choose to automatically upload the generated documentation at a given network location. This also works for javascript codes from a given website.
The purpose of this feature is to perform several documentation tasks in one time. This means that the user can document several different programs in one go. There is any uniformity restriction (programming language, parameters, preferences, and layout).
This feature is devoted to the case where the user does not know any information about the source codes to be documented. The only required inputs are the source directory (or a web URL for its scripts extraction and documentation) and the output directory. UNIVERSAL REPORT will try to detect all basic information trough an identification preprocessing. The remaining documentation steps can be performed automatically using the default options, or the user can choose to switch to the wizard and continue at his convenience.
The software can be installed and used on all machines of the same institution.