Centre de recherche en informatique
Mathématiques et systèmes
A/821/CRI :
- DeLIA: A Dependability Library for Iterative Applications applied to parallel geophysical problems
- IN: Computers and Geosciences (Published by Elsevier Ltd.)
Received 22 November 2023, Revised 30 March 2024, Accepted 20 June 2024, Available online 25 June 2024.
Volume 191, september 2024, 105662
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cageo.2024.105662- HAL = hal-04644878v1
- Carla Santana (Doctorante GEOSCIENCES/CRI et Univ. Federal Rio Grande), Ramon C.F. Araujo (Univ. Federal Rio Grande), Idalmis Milian Sardina (Univ. Federal Rio Grande), Italo A.S. de Assis (Univ. Federal Rural do Semi-Arido), Tiago Barros (Univ. Federal Rio Grande), Calebe P. Bianchini (Univ. Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Bresil), Antonio D. de S. Oliveira (Univ. Federal Rio Grande), Joao M. de Araujo (Univ. Federal Rio Grande), Herve Chauris (Mines Paris GEOSCIENCES, GEOPHY, Universite PSL), Claude Tadonki (CRI Mines Paris, Universite PSL), Samuel X de Souza (Univ. Federal Rio Grande)
A/820/CRI :
- Experimental Assessment and Biaffine Modeling of the Impact of Ambient Temperature on SoC Power Requirements
- IN: International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation (SAMOS XXIV)
29/06-04/07/2024 - Samos, Grece- HAL = hal-04604958v1
- Kameswar Rao Vaddina (LTCI - Telecom Paris), Florian Brandner (LTCI - Telecom Paris), Gerard Memmi (LTCI - Telecom Paris), Pierre Jouvelot (CRI, Mines Paris, PSL University)
A/819/CRI :
- Numeric Base Conversion with Rewriting
- IN: LPAR 2024 Complementary Volume
26-31 Mai 2024 - Ile Maurice
vol 18, pages 92-106
https://doi.org/10.29007/21t9- HAL = hal-04604688v1
- Olivier Hermant (CRI, Mines Paris, PSL University), Wojciech Loboda (Institute of Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland)
Articles soumis :
A/818/CRI :
- A Generic Deskolemization Strategy
- IN: The 25th Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR-25)
26-31 Mai 2024 - Ile Maurice
vol 100, pages 246--263
https://doi.org/10.29007/g1tm- HAL = hal-04604646v1
- Johann Rosain (ENS Lyon), Richard Bonichon (O1 Labs), Julie Cailler (University of Regensburg, Germany), and Olivier Hermant (CRI, Mines Paris, PSL University)
Autres articles et rapports techniques :
Rapports internes :
A/817/CRI :
- JSON Model: a Lightweight Featureful DSL for JSON
- Rapport technique
- Fabien Coelho (Mines Paris CRI - PSL), Claire Yannou-Medrala (Mines Paris CRI - PSL)
E/465/CRI :
- The Price of Smart Contract Privacy
- Rapport technique
- HAL = hal-04702045v1
- LUCAS MASSONI SGUERRA (Mines Paris, PSL Univ), Pierre JOUVELOT (Mines Paris, PSL Univ), Fabien COELHO (Mines Paris, PSL Univ), Emilio J. GALLEGO ARIAS (Inria Paris), Gerard MEMMI (LTCI, Telecom Paris)
E/464/CRI :
- Introduction aux methodes formelles
- Presentation effectuee le 9 avril 2024
Lieu : Maison des polytechniciens (Paris)- HAL = hal-04604829v1
- Olivier Hermant (CRI, Mines Paris, PSL University)