Centre de recherche en informatique
Mathématiques et systèmes
A/635/CRI :
- Managing Big Data with Information Flow Control
- IN: 8th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (IEEE Cloud 2015)
27 juin-2 juillet 2015 - New York, USA- HAL = hal-01260014
- Thomas Pasquier (Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge), Jatinder Singh (Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge), Jean Bacon (Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge), Olivier Hermant (MINES-ParisTech CRI)
A/630/CRI :
- LLVM parallel intermediate representation: design and evaluation using OpenSHMEM communications
- IN: LLVM '15 Proceedings of the Second Workshop on the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure in HPC
15 novembre 2015 - Austin, Texas
DOI = 10.1145/2833157.2833158
ISBN = 978-1-4503-4005-2- HAL = hal-01254368
- Dounia Khaldi (University of Houston), Pierre Jouvelot (MINES ParisTech CRI), François Irigoin (MINES ParisTech CRI), Corinne Ancourt (MINES ParisTech CRI), Barbara Chapman (University of Houston)
A/629/CRI :
- Power-Aware Server Consolidation for Federated Clouds
- IN: Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (CCPE)
ISSN: 1532-0626, Wiley Press, New York, USA
Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com).
DOI = 10.1002/cpe.3807
Volume 28, Issue 12, Pages 3427–3444
Publié on-line = 25 August 2016- HAL = hal-01407646
- Alessandro Ferreira Leite (Department of Computer Science, University of Brasilia), Azzedine Boukerche (School of Information and Technology Engineering, University of Ottawa), Alba Cristina Magalhaes Alves de Melo (Department of Computer Science, University of Brasilia), Christine Eisenbeis (INRIA, Saclay, Université Paris-Sud), Claude Tadonki (MINES-ParisTech CRI), Célia Ghedini Ralha (Department of Computer Science, University of Brasilia)
A/628/CRI :
- Automating Resource Selection and Configuration in Inter-clouds through a Software Product Line Method
- IN: 8th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing, (CLOUD 2015)
27 juin-2 juillet 2015, New York City, NY, USA
DOI = 10.1109/CLOUD.2015.101- HAL = hal-01252985
- Ferreira Leite Alexandro (Univ. Paris-Sud), Alves Vladimir Castro (Department of Computer Science, University of Brasilia), Nunes Rodrigues Genaina (Department of Computer Science, University of Brasilia), Tadonki Claude (MINES-ParisTech CRI), Eisenbeis Christine (INRIA Saclay - LRI), Magalhaes Alves de Melo Alba Cristina (Department of Computer Science, University of Brasilia)
A/626/CRI :
- A Team-based Design Methodology for Memory Hierarchy-Aware Runtime Support in Coarray Fortran
- IN: The 18th International Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computing (CPC 2015)
7-9 Janvier 2015 - London (Royaume Uni)- HAL = hal-01251185
- Dounia Khaldi (Department of Computer Science University of Houston, Houston, Texas), Deepak Eachempati (Department of Computer Science University of Houston, Houston, Texas), Shiyao Ge (Department of Computer Science University of Houston, Houston, Texas), Pierre Jouvelot (MINES-ParisTech CRI), Barbara Chapman (Department of Computer Science University of Houston, Houston, Texas)
A/624/CRI :
- Adventures in the (not so) Complex Space
- IN: 7th Coq Workshop
26 juin 2015 - Sophia Antipolis (France)- HAL = hal-01251147
- Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias (CRI MINES ParisTech), Pierre Jouvelot (CRI MINES ParisTech)
A/623/CRI :
- A Team-based Design Methodology for Memory Hierarchy-Aware Runtime Support in Coarray Fortran
- IN : International IEEE Conference Cluster
6-11 septembre 2015 - Chicago (USA)
DOI = 10.1109/CLUSTER.2015.67
Pages : 448 - 451- HAL = hal-01251057
- Dounia Khaldi (Department of Computer Science University of Houston, Houston, Texas), Deepak Eachempati (Department of Computer Science University of Houston, Houston, Texas), Shiyao Ge (Department of Computer Science University of Houston, Houston, Texas), Pierre Jouvelot (MINES-ParisTech CRI), Barbara Chapman (Department of Computer Science University of Houston, Houston, Texas)
A/615/CRI :
- Automated Deduction in the B Set Theory using Typed Proof Search and Deduction Modulo
- IN: LPAR 20 : 20th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning
- HAL = hal-01204701
- Septembre 2015
- Guillaume Bury (INRIA Paris), David Delahaye (INIRA Paris), Damien Doligez (INRIA Paris), Pierre Halmagrand (INRIA Paris), and Olivier Hermant (MINES- ParisTech CRI)
A/614/CRI :
- Normalization by Completeness with Heyting Algebras
- IN: LPAR 20 : 20th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning
the University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji- HAL = hal-01204599
- Septembre 2015
- Gaëtan Gilbert (ENS Lyon, INRIA Paris), Oliver Hermant (MINES-ParisTech CRI, Wesleyan University USA)
A/610/CRI :
- Rewriting Modulo ß in the Lambda-Pi-calculus modulo
- IN: LFMTP 2015 (Logical Frameworks and Meta Languages: Theory and Practic), Affiliated with CADE-25
1er aout 2015 - Berlin, Allemagne- HAL = hal-01176715
- Juillet 2015
- Ronan Saillard (MINES-ParisTech CRI)
A/605/CRI :
- Des réels aux flottants : préservation automatique de preuves de stabilite de Lyapunov
- IN: 14e édition des journées Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au Développement Logiciel (AFADL 2015)
9-10 juin 2015 - Bordeaux- HAL = hal-01138327
- Olivier Hermant (MINES-ParisTech CRI), Vivien Maisonneuve (MINES-ParisTech CRI)
A/602/CRI :
- An Information Flow Control Model for the Cloud
- IN: The 8th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2015)
27 juin - 2 juillet 2015 - New York, USA- HAL = hal-01254123
- Thomas F. J.-M. Pasquier (Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge), Jatinder Singh (Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge), Jean Bacon (Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge), Olivier Hermant (MINES-ParisTech CRI)
A/600/CRI :
- A Taste of Sound Reasoning in Faust
- IN: the Linux Audio Conference (LAC 2015)
9-12 avril 2015 - Mainz (Allemagne)- HAL = hal-01251069
- Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias (CRI MINES ParisTech), Olivier Hermant (CRI MINES ParisTech), Pierre Jouvelot (CRI MINES ParisTech)
A/596/CRI :
- From Data to Effects Dependence Graphs: Source-to-Source Transformations for C
- IN: the 18th International Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computing (CPC'15),
07-09 Janvier 2015 - Londres, United Kingdom- HAL = hal-01112308
- Nelson Lossing (MINES-ParisTech CRI, PSL Research University), Pierre Guillou (MINES-ParisTech CRI, PSL Research University), Mehdi Amini (MINES-ParisTech CRI, PSL Research University), and François Irigoin (MINES-ParisTech CRI, PSL Research University)
A/595/CRI :
- Towards Attention Monitoring of Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment During Interaction with an Embodied Conversational Agent
- IN: The Third International Workshop on Virtual and Augmented Assistive Technology (VAAT) at IEEE Virtual Reality 2015
23-24 mars 2015 - Arles, France
DOI = 10.1109/VAAT.2015.7155406
Pages : 23-28- HAL = hal-01137307
- Pierre Wargnier (MINES-ParisTech CRI), Adrien Malaisé (CEN Stimco), Julien Jacquemot (Hôpital Broca), Samuel Benveniste (MINES ParisTech, CEN Stimco), Pierre Jouvelot (CRI MINES ParisTech), Maribel Pino (Hôpital Broca), Anne-Sophie Rigaud (Hôpital Broca)
Articles soumis :
A/593/CRI :
- Verification of Faust Signal Processing Programs in COQ
- IN: The 1st International Workshop on Coq for PL (Co-located with POPL)
18 janvier 2015 - Mumbai, Inde- HAL = hal-01108173
- Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias (CRI MINES ParisTech), Olivier Hermant (CRI MINES ParisTech), Pierre Jouvelot (CRI MINES ParisTech)
Autres articles et rapports techniques :
A/621/CRI :
- Aligning legivoc Legal Vocabularies by Crowdsourcing
- IN: RANLP 2015 (Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing)
5-11 septembre 2015 - Hissar, Bulgarie- HAL = hal-01251086
- Hughes-Jehan Vibert (Ministère de la Justice), Benoît Pin (MINES-ParisTech CRI), Pierre Jouvelot (MINES-ParisTech CRI)
A/636/CRI :
- Computer-aided Verification in Mechanism Design
- Rapport technique (Draft)
- HAL = hal-01260071
- Gilles Barthe (Institute IMDEA Software, Madrid) , Marco Gaboardi (University of Dundee), Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias (MINES-ParisTech CRI), Justin Hsu (Computer Science Department,University of Pennsylvania), Aaron Roth (Computer Science Department,University of Pennsylvania), Pierre-Yves Strub (Institute IMDEA Software, Madrid)
A/631/CRI :
- Compiling Image Processing Applications for Many-Core Accelerators
- POSTER : ACACES Summer School : Eleventh International Summer School on Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for High-Performance and Embedded Systems
12-18 juillet 2015 - Fiuggi, Italie- HAL =hal-01254412
- Pierre Guillou (MINES-ParisTech CRI)
A/625/CRI :
- Bringing Theorem Proving to the (sonic) Masses
- IN: Colloque international "Des outils et des methodes innovantes pour l'enseignement de la musique et du traitement du signal"
2-3 Novembre 2015 - St-Etienne (France)- HAL = hal-01254456
- Emilio Gallego Arias (MINES-ParisTech CRI), Benoit Pin (MINES-ParisTech CRI), Pierre Jouvelot (MINES-ParisTech CRI)
A/622/CRI :
- Towards Refinement Types for Time-Dependent Data-Flow Networks
- Congres : The 13th ACM-IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for System Design (MEMOCODE 2015)
21-23 Septembre 2015 - Austin (The University of Texas)
Pages: 36-41- HAL = hal.inria.fr/hal-01241806
- Jean-Pierre Talpin (INRIA, TEA, Tim, Events and Architectures), Pierre Jouvelot (MINES-ParisTech CRI) , Sandeep Kumar Shukla (IIT Kanpur)
A/620/CRI :
- SLIDES : The Energy/Frequency Convexity Rule of Energy Consumption for Programs:
Modeling, Thermosensitivity, and Applications- Thèse soutenue le 4 septembre 2015
Lieu : TELECOM ParisTech, Paris- De Vogeleer Karel (TELECOM ParisTech, MINES-ParisTech CRI)
A/619/CRI :
- SLIDES : Vérification de typage pour le Lambda-Pi-Calcul Modulo : théorie et pratique
- Thèse soutenue le 25 septembre 2015
Lieu : MINES ParisTech, Paris- Ronan Saillard (MINES-ParisTech CRI)
A/617/CRI :
- SLIDES : Aligning legivoc Legal Vocabularies by Crowdsourcing
(talk given by Laurent Daverio)- IN : RANLP 2015 (Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing)
5-11 septembre 2015 - Hissar, Bulgarie
IN : Workshop LST4LD (Language and Semantics Technology for Legal Domain)- 10 Septembre 2015
- Hughes-Jehan Vibert (Ministère de la Justice), Benoît Pin (MINES-ParisTech CRI), Pierre Jouvelot (MINES-ParisTech CRI)
A/616/CRI :
- Term inference for Dedukti
- Rapport de stage Master 2 MPRI - Université Paris Diderot
Maître de stage : Olivier Hermant, supervisé par Arnaud Spiwack- 11 septembre 2015
- Gaëtan Gilbert (MINES-ParisTech CRI), Equipe Deducteam à l'INIRA Paris Rocquencourt)
A/613/CRI :
- The SPIRE Methodology of Compiler Parallel Intermediate Representation Design
- Rapport Technique.
Version longue du rapport technique A/574/CRI (2014)- HAL = hal-01251172
- Juillet 2015
- Dounia Khaldi (Department of Computer Science, University of Houston), Pierre Jouvelot (MINES-ParisTech CRI), François Irigoin (MINES-ParisTech CRI), Corinne Ancourt (MINES-ParisTech CRI), Barbara Chapman (Department of Computer Science, University of Houston)
A/612/CRI :
- POSTER : Compiling Image Processing Applications for Many-Core Accelerators
- Journées de seconde année de l'Ecole Doctorale
- HAL = hal-01178938
- 24-25 juin 2015
- Pierre Guillou (MINES-ParisTech CRI)
A/611/CRI :
- POSTER : Dedukti : un vérificateur de preuves universel
- Présenté aux journées nationales du GDR GPL 2015 (Groupement de Recherche Génie de la Programmation et du Logiciel)
09-12 juin 2015, Bordeaux, Paris- HAL = hal-01176726
- Ronan Saillard (MINES-ParisTech CRI)
A/609/CRI :
- Liquid Clocks - Refinement Types for Time-Dependent Stream Functions
- Rapport de recherche du projet FEEVER (Faust Environment Everyware : une solution ubiquitaire pour le traitement audionumérique portable et multiplateforme)
INRIA Report = 8747- HAL = hal-01166350
- 15 juin 2015
- Jean-Pierre Talpin (INRIA Rennes-Bretagne)), Pierre Jouvelot (MINES-ParisTech CRI) et Sandeep Kumar Shukla (IIT Kanpur)
A/608/CRI :
- SLIDES : Des réels aux flottants : préservation automatique de preuves de stabilitée de Lyapunov
- IN: 14e édition des journées Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au Développement Logiciel (AFADL 2015)
9-10 juin 2015 - Bordeaux
Voir article : A/605/CRI / hal-01138327- 9 juin 2015
- Olivier Hermant et Vivien Maisonneuve (MINES-ParisTech CRI)
A/607/CRI :
- A syntactic soundness proof for free-variable tableaux with on-the-fly Skolemization
- Submitted to: Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods (TABLEAUX 2015) - Refused
University of Wroclaw, Poland, September 19-24, 2015- HAL = hal-01154799
- 2015/05/22
- Richard Bonichon (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, RN, Brazil), Olivier Hermant (MINES-ParisTech CRI)
A/604/CRI :
- SLIDES : Towards Attention Monitoring of Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment During Interaction with an Embodied Conversational Agent
- IN: The Third International Workshop on Virtual and Augmented Assistive Technology (VAAT) at IEEE Virtual Reality 2015
23 mars 2015 - Arles, France- Pierre Wargnier (MINES-ParisTech CRI)
A/601/CRI :
- The tree machine
- Rapport technique
- Arnaud Spiwack (MINES-ParisTech CRI)
A/599/CRI :
- A Rewrite System for Strongly Normalizable Terms
- Rapport technique
- Olivier Hermant (MINES-ParisTech CRI) et Ronan Saillard (MINES-ParisTech CRI et INRIA)
A/598/CRI :
- SLIDES : Static Analysis of Control-Command Systems: Floating-Point and Integer Invariants
- Thèse soutenue le 6 février 2015
Lieu : MINES ParisTech, Paris- Vivien Maisonneuve (MINES-ParisTech CRI)
A/597/CRI :
- Sûreté : de l'analyse à l'instrumentation et à la synthèse de code
- Habilitation a diriger les recherches (HDR)
Date de la soutenance : 18 mai 2015
Lieu de la soutenance : MINES ParisTech, Paris
Jury de la soutenance : Paul Feautrier, Patrice Quinton, Sanjay Radopadhye, Cedric Bastoul, Emmanuelle Encrenaz, Francois Irigoin- HAL = hal-01254381
- Corinne Ancourt (MINES-ParisTech CRI)
Rapports internes :
A/594/CRI :
- SLIDES : Verifying Faust in Coq - Progress report
- IN: The 1st International Workshop on Coq for PL (Co-located with POPL)
18 janvier 2015 - Mumbai, Inde
Voir Article A/593/CRI- Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias (CRI MINES ParisTech), Olivier Hermant (CRI MINES ParisTech), Pierre Jouvelot (CRI MINES ParisTech)
E/469/CRI :
- ACOPAL: Analyse et Compilation des langages de programmation paralleles (Analysis and Compilation of Parallel Programming Languages
- Proposition de projet de recherche
- Corinne Ancourt (Mines Paris - PSL / CRI), Albert Cohen (INRIA/ENS Ulm )
E/421/CRI :
- Circuits via topoi
- Contrat FEEVER : Rapport technique
30 septembre 2015- Arnaud Spiwack (MINES-ParisTech CRI)
E/409/CRI :
- SLIDES : From Data to Effects Dependence Graphs: Source-to-Source Transformations for C
- IN: the 18th International Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computing (CPC'15),
07-09 Janvier 2015 - Londres, United Kingdom- Nelson Lossing (MINES-ParisTech CRI, PSL Research University), Pierre Guillou (MINES-ParisTech CRI, PSL Research University), Mehdi Amini (MINES-ParisTech CRI, PSL Research University), and François Irigoin (MINES-ParisTech CRI, PSL Research University)
E/383/CRI :
- Conception de l'agent conversationnel Louise pour l'aide aux personnes agées atteintes de troubles cognitifs
- SLIDES : Présentation interne au CRI
- 7 décembre 2015
- Pierre Wargnier (MINES-ParisTech CRI)
E/382/CRI :
- Circuits via topoi
- Rapport Technique CRI
- Septembre 2015
- Arnaud Spiwack (MINES-ParisTech CRI)
E/380/CRI :
- SLIDES : Plinn
- Présenté lors de la bourse aux technologies de l'Institut Mines-Télécom
Lieu : Télécom ParisTecch- 17 septembre 2015
- Benoît Pin (MINES-ParisTech CRI), Pierre Jouvelot (MINES-ParisTech CRI)
E/379/CRI :
- POSTER : Plinn
- Présenté lors de la bourse aux technologies de l'Institut Mines-Télécom
Lieu : Télécom ParisTecch- 17 septembre 2015
- Benoît Pin (MINES-ParisTech CRI), Pierre Jouvelot (MINES-ParisTech CRI)
E/378/CRI :
- Term inference for Dedukti
- SLIDES: soutenance pour le Master 2 MPRI - Université Paris Diderot
Maître de stage : Olivier Hermant, supervisé par Arnaud Spiwack- 08 septembre 2015
- Gaëtan Gilbert (MINES-ParisTech CRI), Equipe Deducteam à l'INIRA Paris Rocquencourt)
E/377/CRI :
- Rust: system programming with guarantees
- SLIDES : Présentation interne au CRI
- 6 juillet 2015
- Arnaud Spiwack (MINES-ParisTech CRI), Pierre Guillou (MINES-ParisTech CRI)
E/376/CRI :
- A Team-Based Methodology of Memory Hierarchy-Aware Runtime Support in Coarray Fortran
- Rapport technique
- Dounia Khaldi (Department of Computer Science University of Houston, Houston, Texas), Deepak Eachempati (Department of Computer Science University of Houston, Houston, Texas), Shiyao Ge (Department of Computer Science University of Houston, Houston, Texas), Pierre Jouvelot (MINES-ParisTech CRI), Barbara Chapman (Department of Computer Science University of Houston, Houston, Texas)
E/371/CRI :
- POSTER : Compiler Passes for Automatic Task Distribution
- Journées de 2nde année de l'Ecole Doctorale : En complément du résumé davancement
- 24-25 juin 2015
- Nelson Lossing (MINES-ParisTech CRI)
E/370/CRI :
- Compilation et optimisation de langages parallèles
- Résumé davancement 2ème année
- 24-25 juin 2015
- Nelson Lossing (MINES-ParisTech CRI)
E/367/CRI :
- Tenure Track 2012 { 2015 : Bilan et perspectives
- Présentation à la commission de la recherche.
- 18 juin 2015
- Olivier Hermant (MINES-ParisTech CRI)
E/366/CRI :
- Optimisation des performances et profilage dalgorithmes de traitement d'images sur architectures parallèles
- Rapport davancement 1ere année
- Juin 2015
- Florian Gouin (MINES-ParisTech CRI)
E/363/CRI :
- SLIDES : Dedukti In a Nutshell
- IN : vingt-sixièmes Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs
7-10 janvier 2015 - Val d'Ajol, France- 9 janvier 2015
- Ronan Saillard (MINES-ParisTech CRI)